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Zip codes Vila Sonia Neighborhood in Itapetininga/SP

The Vila Sonia neighborhood located in the city of Itapetininga/SP has 9 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
18208-770 Rua Ângelo Evangelista da Silva
Vila Sonia Itapetininga/SP
18208-800 Rua Edelvira Caetano Lobo
Vila Sonia Itapetininga/SP
18208-760 Rua Governador Adhemar Pereira de Barros
Vila Sonia Itapetininga/SP
18208-790 Rua Labib Abul Hiss Zaher
Vila Sonia Itapetininga/SP
18208-815 Rua Márcio Martins Lopes
Vila Sonia Itapetininga/SP
18208-765 Rua Minervina Leonel Vieira Cardoso
Vila Sonia Itapetininga/SP
18208-820 Rua Pedro de Almeida
Vila Sonia Itapetininga/SP
18208-780 Rua Professor José Monteiro de Carvalho
Vila Sonia Itapetininga/SP
18208-810 Rua Um
Vila Sonia Itapetininga/SP