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Zip codes Maringá Neighborhood in Londrina/PR

The Maringá neighborhood located in the city of Londrina/PR has 8 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
86060-160 Rua Aristóteles
Maringá Londrina/PR
86060-130 Rua Charles Robert Darwin
Maringá Londrina/PR
86015-780 Rua Copacabana
Maringá Londrina/PR
86061-450 Rua Prefeito Faria Lima
Maringá Londrina/PR
86015-790 Rua Professor Joaquim de Matos Barreto - até 381/382
Maringá Londrina/PR
86060-140 Rua René Descartes
Maringá Londrina/PR
86060-150 Rua Robert Boyle
Maringá Londrina/PR
86060-170 Rua Sólon
Maringá Londrina/PR