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Zip codes Jardim Colonial Neighborhood in Castro/PR

The Jardim Colonial neighborhood located in the city of Castro/PR has 16 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
84178-090 Avenida Prefeito Ronie Cardoso - até 514/515
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-122 Praça José Alípio Larocca
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-590 Rua Bernardo Musialowski
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-160 Rua Edmundo Wisoski
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-570 Rua Eurico da Silva Gomes
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-170 Rua Gastão Negrão
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-560 Rua Gilseu Nilo de Almeida
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-150 Rua Hamilton Corrêa
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-420 Rua Herculano Martins de Oliveira
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-130 Rua Manoel Das Chagas Lima
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-140 Rua Manoel José Braga
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-110 Rua Miguel Aiçar de Suss
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-580 Rua Miguel Dias de Macedo
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-120 Rua Pacífico J da Conceição
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-540 Rua Sebastião Augusto Querne
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR
84178-550 Rua Waldemar Hey
Jardim Colonial Castro/PR