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Zip codes Bela Vista Neighborhood in Patos/PB

The Bela Vista neighborhood located in the city of Patos/PB has 60 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
58704-420 Rua Terto Zacarias
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-460 Rua Titico Gomes
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-588 Rua Venâncio Costa
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-625 Travessa Antônio Justino
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-473 Travessa Antônio Vieira
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-435 Travessa Bancário Jarbas Moura da Costa
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-535 Travessa Braz Macena
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-632 Travessa Cassemiro Ricarte
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-405 Travessa Cinco de Agosto
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-478 Travessa Dona Maria Ceci Vilar
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-477 Travessa Francisco Ricarte de Carvalho
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-425 Travessa Horácio Nóbrega
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-475 Travessa Juvenal Ledo
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-645 Travessa Luiz Félix Lima
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-485 Travessa Mestre Félix
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-555 Travessa Olivan Queiroz
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-482 Travessa Piano de Sousa
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-502 Travessa Santa Luzia
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-682 Travessa Sílvia Ramos Cavalcante de Araújo
Bela Vista Patos/PB
58704-468 Travessa Titico Gomes
Bela Vista Patos/PB