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Zip codes Bela Vista Neighborhood in Itabirito/MG

The Bela Vista neighborhood located in the city of Itabirito/MG has 8 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
35450-138 Avenida dos Inconfidentes
Bela Vista Itabirito/MG
35450-114 Avenida Manoel Salvador de Oliveira
Bela Vista Itabirito/MG
35450-134 Rua Acre
Bela Vista Itabirito/MG
35450-126 Rua Alberto Gesparcher
Bela Vista Itabirito/MG
35450-122 Rua Amazonas
Bela Vista Itabirito/MG
35450-130 Rua Coronel Afonso de Moura Castro
Bela Vista Itabirito/MG
35450-106 Rua Coronel Alves
Bela Vista Itabirito/MG
35450-107 Rua Décio Ferreira Silva
Bela Vista Itabirito/MG
35450-102 Rua Dona Cota
Bela Vista Itabirito/MG