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Zip codes Vila Celeste Neighborhood in Ipatinga/MG

The Vila Celeste neighborhood located in the city of Ipatinga/MG has 87 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
35162-483 Avenida Andorinhas
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-507 Avenida Luiza M Nascimbene
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-512 Avenida Nízio Oliveira
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-551 Beco Belga
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-548 Rua A 2
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-549 Rua A 3
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-480 Rua Águias
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-481 Rua Albatroz
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-482 Rua Anambés
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-484 Rua Antônio Boaventura Batista
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-485 Rua Aracari
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-486 Rua Araponga
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-487 Rua Araras
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35161-054 Rua B (loteamento Santa Clara)
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-533 Rua Beija Flor
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-488 Rua Bem Te Vi
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35161-056 Rua C (loteamento Santa Clara)
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-490 Rua Canarinho
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-491 Rua Canindé
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG
35162-492 Rua Cardeal
Vila Celeste Ipatinga/MG