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Zip codes Jardim Social Neighborhood in Curitiba/PR

The Jardim Social neighborhood located in the city of Curitiba/PR has 76 Zip codes

zipcode address neighborhood city
82520-040 Rua Fagundes Varela - até 1098/1099
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82520-330 Rua Francisco Stobbia
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82520-370 Rua Fredericindo Marés de Souza
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82530-040 Rua Frei Orlando - até 569/570
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82520-390 Rua Helly de Macedo Souza
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82520-170 Rua Ilha de Granada
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82520-280 Rua Ilor Bressiani
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82530-140 Rua João Luiz Costa
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82520-250 Rua João Simião
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82520-095 Rua João Vítola
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82520-130 Rua Joaquim Américo Guimarães
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82520-490 Rua José Eurípedes Gonçalves
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82530-150 Rua Justiniano de Melo Silva
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82520-030 Rua Juvenal Galeno
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82520-530 Rua Lange de Morretes - até 99999 - lado ímpar
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82520-350 Rua Luiz Pinto da Rocha
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82530-030 Rua Madre Leonie
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82520-260 Rua Major Claro Américo Guimarães
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82530-070 Rua Manoel Correia de Freitas - de 677/678 ao fim
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR
82520-080 Rua Manoel Correia de Freitas - até 675/676
Jardim Social Curitiba/PR